Sunday, September 27, 2009


Friday: We arrived. Discovered that we had booked the room Thursday and Friday, not Friday and Saturday. But that got solved. Had a few beers and some Teigtasche. Went to the Snake & Jet's concert (which was nice). Went to see Times New Viking (which was bad). Went to see Golden Kanine (by accident, but it was cool, still). Curry wurst (scharf, scharf, scharf). Molotow, dancing, Crazy Horst, drinking, Eldorado, Übel & Gefährlich, dancing, hotel.
Saturday: Wies'n Frühstück. Flohmarkt. A few beers. Looked at Millerntor, yay, bought souvenirs. Found cafe with cheese and cider. Found cafe that served the largest White Russian and some pretty cool Mojitos. Saw some bands which were kinda bad. Curry wurst (scharf, scharf, scharf). Boozing. Danced a bit at a punk club. Hotel.
Today: Brunch. Loooong walk to the immensely cool harbour. Going home. Met very cool girl on the train that gave us a lift in her car from Rødby to Copenhagen.
And basically. Hamburg is brilliant. I wanna live there at some point, I think.

And Rutschgefahr. And Gruselkomödie. German is brilliant too.

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