Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's all so fucking groovy...


Friday: Dinner with the company, then Ritz 22, Ideal Bar, McKluud's and Riesen with Mikkel and Jpg-manja.

Saturday: Making a beautiful remix of a Beta Satan song (and it only took 4 hours!), going to the best party in ages at Folkets Hus and afterwards getting knocked down (Mikkel too) by some mad hatter (story: Mikkel and I strolling in a drunken haze, man says: "fucking homos" or something similar, Mikkel says "oh, not now" or something similar, I try the friendly approach, because I didn't hear what he said in the first place and smilingly say "oh, everything's fine" or something similar, he knocks me down and while I'm down, he hits Mikkel twice, then lets us go!?). Mad World, my head and my left leg hurt (the latter might be due to excessive dancing though :-)).

And new ONBC out now. And smashing video:

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