Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Screw that...

I'm getting so old that I actually miss Canadian music. Fuck Arcade Fire / Tokyo Police Club / etc. / etc.. I miss the sound. And by that I actually mean THE SOUND, because however hard they try they don't get it. And screw that too, but the memory of taking the train from Århus to Florence with this in my ear is something you don't forget (especially the last few miles with the bizarre and very Italian suburb):

And that made me think of Broken Social Scene. And the concert they played at Loppen which was magnificent, but I had to leave because of work the day after. And a girl from Hamar. Where I once helped my father rebuild a house. And BSS:


Bestyrelsen E/F Meklenborggade said...

Dear Ivan. Picture Cj and myself hanging in a worn out tourbus on a parking lot in Oslo. Listening to Lift your skinny fists... and agreeing that cd #2 is the soundtrack of our lives. Maybe Cj can't remember. We were quite stoned... Also long walks down towards "den permanente" in the winter worked rather well with that album!

Ivan said...

Hehe, I can easily picture that (also that CJ can't remember ;-)). And it is sort of a soundtrack of a life thing, what with it being so sentimental/melancholic/noisy/etc..Well, basically, it's just a great record :-).